My dad and I ventured out to pay visit to Monkey Wrench's new location. All I have to say is, LOVE IT! It is 1 million times better than their old location. You can even tell that they all seem happier there. They can breathe now! I love the old vintage look of the building. It is just perfect for them. I could only dream of having a shop like that one. Was falling in love with some Salsa bikes while I was there so I had to bail before I accidentally took my lock and locked myself to one somehow.
Afterwards, we veered off to Cycle Works where I bought my wife a new bike to get her through until I have Good Life Cycles going next year and we figure out what kind she wants for good. This will be a good entry bike like my Jamis was for me. After a while of riding this, she will have more of an idea of what kind of riding she wants to do more and we can narrow her down to what kind of bike would be perfect for her. I'm hoping to maybe build each of us some Salsa bikes next year myself, or some other kind.
I am SO looking forward to graduating SCC at the end of this year. I can't wait to head to Oregon to attend UBI (United Bicycle Institute). UBI is one of the only 2 colleges in the U.S. for bicycle specific careers. I'm starting to work on GLC's projected numbers but it is such a process! I'm hoping to get a chance to speak to this accountant I am wanting to hire to help me nail my projections and get my books set up.
Everything's coming along slowly but surely. I have time. I am just getting impatient and very excited lately. I have been noticing little nooks of opportunity around the country lately, primed for a GLC bike shop! I am even thinking of future plans for a cycling lodge up in the mountains somewhere possibly.
Had lots of good riding miles the last couple of days with my dad who came to town and my wife. The weather was a tad heated yesterday but it was pretty amazing today! I can't seem to find enough excuses to ride the Surly LHT lately. It has been a dream bike of mine ever since I started riding. I am just dreaming up all the different things I can do with it. I feel blessed having found cycling. It is a wonderful lifestyle! I am excited to see my wife begin to enjoy it more now that we have replaced the ol' Shwinn.
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